Lab-on-a-chip and Molecular Diagnostics World Congresses 2012 (San Diego)

The Lab-on-a-chip and Molecular Diagnostics World Congresses were jointly held in San Diego on the 25th and 26th of September 2012. These congresses brought together leaders from both academia and industry to discuss innovative developments in these fields.

Focus was made on the latest advances in microfluidics and microfabrication, in new applications of labs-on-Chips, in the development of new tools for improving the detection, diagnosis and treatment of cancer at the molecular level as well as in point-of-care diagnostics, predictive biomarkers and their discovery and detection.

This was a double opportunity for MICROBIOMED project.

First of all, a lot of information was gathered concerning the application field of Microbiomed project. In other words, data on the application market, on the competitive environment as well as on future developments were collected in order to complete the market study performed within the dissemination action (action 5).

Secondly, contacts were made with companies working in the field, especially for the fabrication of off-shelf or customized microfluidic chips. Representative persons could now be easily re-contacted for a potential future collaboration.

Edited by : GIGA, Aline Lausberg